Wooden with giant mirrors, Boucherie is a French restaurant serving up classic French fare with a focus on high-quality steak dishes. Now, I have to admit, I find it difficult to write about French restaurants because they so often serve up similar dishes and really the main differentiator is quality. In this case, I think the most beneficial way to recommend Boucherie is to tell you about the stand out dishes that wowed me the second I bit into them.

The Raviolis aux Champignons a mushroom and black truffle ravioli are so good you’ll forget that you’re not in an Italian restaurant. It’s that kind of dish that, I don’t care how polite you are, you’re sticking your fork back into it before you’ve finished swallowing your last bite. Though, I don’t think I really need to explain the power of truffles to anyone.

The soups are magical but honestly, don’t fill up on the savory part of your meal because the Pistachio Bombe Glacee is, well, da bomb! Pistachio ice cream on top of a chocolate brownie-like base that is then doused with chocolate sauce at your table—it’s magical.

Do note that there are multiple locations.


